Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

2009 is going to be OUR year!!!!!
Last year started off poor with the break in of our store. We were truly humbled by that experience realizing it can happen to you. We thought that 08 was going to suck. Then we found out just two months later that we were pregnant. The year became the most memorable year of our lives with the birth of Braxton. We know that 2009 is going to be filled with many amazing first. Braxton’s first time to pull up, crawl, and even walk. We cannot wait to watch him grow! We have never looked forward to a year as much as this year. 2009 is going to be great!
We stayed home and celebrated this new years eve just the three of us. We watched movies and spent some much needed down time together. It is amazing how much our lives have changed since last year. Last new years eve I cannot remember much of! This new year I will always remember!!!
Braxton was sound asleep when the new year rang in. We both kissed him happy new year and he slept right through it. Once Braxton has his bath and night time bottle he is out for the count. It takes a lot to wake him up. Finally he is only waking up one time in the middle of the night for a bottle. He is getting close to sleeping through the night!
Kramer ringing in the new year in his house! He hates the popping of fireworks and hides every year!
Scout was asleep on his bed! His bed is the love seat. He gets upset when he cannot lay their when guest are over and he is ready for bed!

Anthony and I looking totally glamours in our glasses and night clothes!
Hopfully this year will be your year too!

Braxton's First Christmas!

I cannot believe how much fun Christmas is with a child. Anthony and I had so much fun opening presents and celebrating Christmas with Braxton. Braxton woke up in an amazing mood and kept his great mood all day. His favorite Santa gift was his tummy time toy. He smiled and laughed!!!!!
It was the BEST Christmas gift ever!

We went to Anthony’s mother’s house and then my parents that day for dinner and gifts. Braxton loved all the presents he got from both families. By the end of the night we all were tired. It was such a perfect day! He is such a perfect boy!
Christmas Morning!
Braxton and Mommy! Bright and Early!

Braxton and Daddy!

He truly was happy! Santa picked a great gift!

We LOVE this picture! He was so happy Christmas day!

We had a late lunch with Anthony's Family and then headed to my parents for dinner!

Santa filled Braxton's stocking at his Gramy & Gramps House. By this time Braxton was ready for his nap!

YES! We did match! This was Anthony's Idea! I think it was the perfect outfit!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Photos

We went over to Gina's and took our family pictures! I love them! Braxton only tolerated the picture taking for about ten minutes before he cried. We ended up taking them in spurts! He did fine! We ended up with some really good stuff.
Braxton will be SEVEN weeks tomorrow! He is getting sooo BIG! We go to the doctor on Monday for his two month check up. I am sure he has grew a few more inches and gained another pound or so. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but he is long and skinny. Braxton LOVES his Daddy. They cannot get enough of each other. I must admit it makes me a little jealous. The good part is after a long day with Braxton it is nice when Anthony gets home. Anthony doesn't put him down. The two of them are both happy and I can have some Nicole time.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ho Ho Ho!

We took Braxton to the mall today to do have our family pictures done and some Christmas pictures of Braxton done. I just prefer Gina's style and ended up not buying a family photo at all. They were just so cheesy with the fake backgrounds. I called Gina on my out of the studio to book us another session.
Since Braxton was looking so CUTE we had his picture with Santa. Braxton did not want to wake up. Santa improvised and we got this adorable picture. It was worth waiting in line to see Santa! Check back again soon I promise to have posted our Christmas family photo.