Saturday, February 28, 2009

4 Months Old

On Wednesday we took Braxton to the doctor for his four month visit. The doctor was so excited to see him. Dr. Cepeda said that she couldn't believe how much he had grown in the month that had past. With Braxton's acid reflux issue we had been seeing her at least twice a month since he was born up to his third month. The doctor said that you want the baby to be healthy so we don't have to seed him, but she missed him. I thought that was super sweet. Braxton's doctor is AWESOME! At the visit he was weighted and measured. Our little boy grew a lot. He is in the 83%for height and the 30% for weight. LONG AND SKINNY!!!!! She always spends a lot of time with him to make sure all is well. She likes to see him eat, play, and tests his motor skills. While she was trying to do his exam he kept getting upset because he likes to stand and hates to lay down. She would lay him down and check his ears then pick him so he can stand, then lay him down to check his joints and then pick him up to stand. She said that his ability to stand as well as he can is amazing. He can hold himself up on things for about 5 minutes and can stand all day if you help support him. She said she would not be surprised if he walked at 9 months. She said he may crawl a little late because he hates to do tummy time......well he HATES any activity that doesn't involve standing. After the whole exam she said well you two have a very advanced child. She said that his body isn't developing as fast as his motor skills. She said it is okay to let him stand all the time. She said that it will make learning to walk easier. She said his legs are still forming so it should be difficult for him to stand. She pointed out that his feet still turn out a little bit. She said this is appropriate for his age. This just makes it difficult to stand. She said on all the motor skills tests she did she was surprised at how far along he is. We always thought he was super smart. I think every mother does though. When the doctor told us he was advanced it wasn’t a surprise. The other good news she gave us was that he will not need his acid reflux medication much longer. She said as his weight increases the medication will be less effective and is natural way to take him off of it. She said by his 6 month exam he will be done. Thank God it cost us an arm and a leg each month. She also told us to increase his cereal feeding from once a day to twice. She said he will be ready for baby food in a month as well. Braxton did get a few shots at that visit. The poor kid doesn't do well with shots. He has to be pumped with Tylenol for 48 hours. We feel so BAD for him. He just cries and wines majority of the 48 hours following his shots.

I have added a few pictures! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Our little man is eating cereal from a spoon. We thought he might not like it and it may take weeks for him to get the hang of it. I even read some babies will resist. No way not Braxton he LOVED it. The first day (pics with the I love cereal bib) he blew more bubbles with the cereal than he ate, but he thought it was the coolest thing ever. The next time we thickened it up and he went to town. He ate more than he spit out. We knew we did not have to worry about the possibility of an allergy because he has been getting a half teaspoon in each bottle to help with his reflux. The little amount in his bottle made his belly feel so much better. Such a simple easy fix. He still has to take his prescription for his reflux and more than likely will need to until he is a year old. With the little cereal in his bottle and the prescription he has been a HAPPY, HAPPY baby! This also helped the kid put a little weight on. Majority of his 0-3 pants never fit in the waist before he out grew them in the length. His doctor said this is typical of babies with reflux as bad as his.

Payton was at the house today while Candace was at school. Payton thought it was cool Braxton was eating from a spoon. He was cheering his cousin on. It was super cute. Payton finally learned to say Braxton. Before he only referred to Braxton as "cole baby". He breaks up his name as says "Brax-ton". Payton is attentive when Braxton cries. He says "Braxton noise" when Braxton isn't crying when he is just cooing or yelling. Payton and Braxton are growing up so fast!