Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Many Faces of Braxton!

Braxton makes many faces! I get a HUGE kick out of his many faces. His expressions change so fast. One second he is smiling the second he is making his mad face. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Busy Week

This week was a week of many firsts! The biggest first is
I kept looking at the clock thinking he is going to wake up wanting a bottle anytime now. He went down last night at 10:00 pm and woke up at 6:00am!!!! Anthony thinks he would have slept longer because he was only whimpering and not all the way awake when I went to get him. I hope this trend continues. I know that he might not do it every single night from know on but he is on the right track !
He also seems to have outgrown almost all of his 0-3 clothes this week. The pants still are big in the waist but to short. He still is long and skinny. He isn't crazy skinny but his legs seem to be growing faster than his waist.
Below you find many more of Braxton's many first that he did all this past week.
On Tuesday night we began putting Braxton in his crib. That night we bathed him and got him ready for bed. We feed him and put him down in his crib. He had only slept in his crib a few times during nap. I thought he would not sleep well in his crib in his room without us. I was wrong. He slept fine. I on the other hand did NOT! I was up every hour checking on him. I was a wreck I cried and so wanted to put him back in the room with us. I was good and did not get him. My baby is growing up so fast.
Braxton has to have a burp rag or a blanket to cuddle when he goes to sleep. You can tell he is tired when he pulls it close to his face. He will even cover his eyes with his burp rag to help him go to sleep. This makes it easy for me to know when to go put him in his crib. He finally is able to put himself to sleep.
His cousin Payton was nice enough to give Braxton his favorite toys from when he was this age. One of them was the Bumbo. Braxton does not like to be held unless he can sit up looking out at the room. He doesn't really like to lounge, he has to be sitting up. He is proud he can hold his head up. We just hold him by his waist while he is sitting. I thought he CANNOT be old enough to sit in the Bumbo. I was so wrong. This is one of his new favorite things. He sits in this like a big boy and watches his educational video. I sit beside him during the whole 30 minute video and he is able to sit up. He also LOVES to sit in it and watch the dogs play as well.
I know he looks mad or mean. This is Braxton's favorite face to make. He always curls his eyebrows in. I put him in the seat and thought he would scream. No way, he loved this as well. I was looking at the new colors and lights. I was laughing so hard because he would laugh and then make this face. I do not know what he is thinking when he makes this face. I tell him he is going to need Botox by his first birthday.
We decided to start putting Braxton in his high chair during dinner. We thought he may not like it. He loves sitting in his high chair. I think he likes it because he is so high up. This day was a Gina day. The outfit he has on as well as the high chair were both gifts from Gina and her mother.
In the mornings Anthony gets Braxton and hold him while he is asleep before he goes to work. If Anthony does not hold him Braxton will NOT let Anthony touch him or come near him in the evenings. Instead of putting him back in his bassinet (now crib) Anthony puts him in his spot in the bed with pillows around him. Anthony woke me up to show me Braxton was on his tummy. We never put Braxton on his tummy due to his reflux issues. We both were so excited to see our little man had rolled over. We moved the pillows to get a good picture.
I feel like Braxton grew up so much in one week!
It was an amazing week! I cannot wait to see what this week has to bring!