Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Cousin Payton!

We spent Sunday afternoon at the pool with Rich, Candace and Payton. Braxton loves his cousin Payton. I think it is a pretty mutual love between the boys! They play so well together despite the age gap. Braxton thinks he is as BIG as Payton! He tries to keep up and for the most part he can. I love watching the two of them play together. Payton for some reason hates to take pictures with Braxton or just in general for me. I was able to score a couple really cute ones of them. The best part is we had just got back from the pool and they both are just in their diapers.

Braxton is going through some major separation anxiety! He cries every morning when Anthony leaves for work. If Anthony is gone before Anthony wakes up he looks for him in the morning. I know when he is looking for his Daddy because he starts off down the hallway towards our room. Once he realizes his Daddy is gone he cries. OH! It breaks my heart! Braxton also thinks you have to be within arms reach of him at all times. This makes for a long day for me! I cannot get anything done. Braxton stayed with his Aunt Candace while we had dinner and he did the same thing to her! I am glad he loves us, but I hope this phase passes! It makes me sad to leave him and tears me apart each day when Anthony leaves!

Braxton is moving and shaking! He is crawling everywhere and is into EVERYTHING! I love it though! He is getting so brave and trying to free stand and even tries to take steps from one thing to the next. He has not been successful. He can move from one thing to the next if it is in arms reach and he can hold on. I laugh because he isn't even close to being successful at walking. He sure is determined! One day he will be successful. I will cry if I miss it!!! I really never leave him, but it will happen while I am at HEB! He is such a fun and exciting kid! We both just love this kid more than ever!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lake Trip

What an AMAZING day we had! Anthony and I took Braxton out on the boat for the first time. Anthony has been itching to take Braxton out on the boat. Braxton's doctor told us we needed to wait until he had his six month shots. Braxton got those last Friday and we hit the lake today. Braxton LOVED it!!!! The first few minutes on the boat Braxton screamed and I mean screamed! I got really worried! After we changed his poopy diaper and a 45 min nap he was ready to explore the lake. We thought the water was cold and he would not want to play in the water. OH NO! Braxton wanted to get in the water. When we would take him out of the water he screamed! He would lean toward the water and kick his feet! We both were so excited Braxton liked the lake. Anthony LOVES to spend as much time out on the boat as possible. We got to the lake a 2:00 and figured we would be there only an hour or two. When we got back in the truck it was 7:00! That is normal lake trip for us. We were having so much fun we lost track of time. We did stop for an early dinner at Carlos and Charlie’s. We thought Braxton needed the full Lake Travis experience! What an amazing day!

Friday, May 1, 2009

6 Months and Counting

Braxton had his 6 months healthy check. The doctor appointment went really well. Braxton in the doctor’s words is "PERFECT"! She was truly amazed with his progress over the last few months. Braxton is army crawling around the house. He in the beginning didn't really explore much. He would only crawl when we wanted something like our phones or his pacifier. Now he loves to explore and is all over the place. I LOVE it! I watch him see and experience new things and even watch him learn about the world around him! I know I will have days where his mobility will drive me nuts! I just love being a stay at home Mom!

Braxton still needs to put a few more pounds on. Braxton is in the 84% for height and the 25% for weight! He only gained a pound since his last appointment two months ago. His doctor thinks it is because he is active and on the move. Braxton gets cereal and/or a fruit for breakfast and then a jar of stage 2 baby food for dinner. The doctor wants us to go ahead and feed him a jar of baby food for lunch as well. She said he will need the protein and extra calories since he is crawling and is a little thin. I tried introducing some homemade baby food. He wasn't a fan! He likes the jarred stuff. The doctor said to keep trying he will take to it. We will see!

We did introduce the CUP with a 2 oz of juice. He thought it was a super tasty treat! Candace told me to tip the cup in his mouth without the stopper in it and then quickly put the stopper in and give him the cup. That did the trick. It took a few seconds for him to figure out he had to bite down and suck! Once he got it he was going to town. He can hold his own cup, but he hasn't figured out that he has to tip it to get the bottom of the juice. We will work on that trick this coming week!

Life has been a little crazy in the Hernandez household with the recent store break in and life in general. Anthony and I are still the happiest we ever have been, despite the stress! Life may be CrAzY, but it is still wonderful! Thanks to all for your prayers and kind words! It helped us through the stress and craziness!

Anthony is a HUGE Texans Fan! This picture put a huge smile on Anthony's face!

Drinking from his cup! What a BIG boy!

This picture put a huge smile on Mommy's face!

Braxton and his cousin Payton!