Monday, September 28, 2009

Count Down To His Big Day!

Braxton's birthday is just right around the corner. I cannot believe my baby will be turning ONE on October 30th. What an AMAZING year it has been! Braxton has reached many milestones and he is only 11 months old. He took his first step a week shy of nine months. He now is not just walking but RUNNING! He is fun to watch keep up with Payton.

Braxton also has a handful of words he says.He says: DaDa, MaMa, Scat (Scout), Hot, Yeah, Ket (Catch), and Bahbe (Baby)! It seems every few days he adds a new word. Hot and Yeah are clear as day and the rest have that cute baby twist to the word like Scat for Scout. Braxton thinks all dogs are Scat. He loves his dog Scout.

Braxton also can show you where his nose is. If you ask him where his nose is he put his finger on it. I always clap when he does it so now he points to his nose and claps his hands. He is really a FUNNY boy!

Braxton is so full of personality. The kid can make the craziest faces! He knows his faces get a reaction out of people so he can ham it up like nobody else. When you try to take his picture he curls up his nose and closes his eyes then laughs. He will smile after that but he knows it makes everyone laugh! I tried to put pictures this time that show that crazy, funny side of Braxton. For those of you that do not get to see him often this should make you laugh. Remember when looking at these that he is just 11 months! He is the light of my life. He truly make me laugh all day long!!!!! ENJOY!!!

Braxton was playing with a bowl and kept putting it on his head! I LOVE this picture!

Eating Pizza Rolls! Scat is the big dog on the left!

Trying to take the camera from MaMa!

This is the curl up the nose, toss the head back and close the eyes to make MaMa laugh when she tries to take a picture. He looks so crazy in this picture. I told you he was a crazy boy!

This is a close up of the nose curl and funny picture face!

Braxton is a clone of his Father. He looks just like his DaDa. You can really tell in this picture.

He is going to be a Monkey for Halloween. He had to be a Monkey because his nickname is Monkey! He also is making a crazy face here!

Braxton just loves his Cousin Payton. You can see it in this picture!

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